Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dead Air

The term "dead air" usually applies to the silence that happens on a radio station when the DJ takes too long on their bathroom break, the record is done, and no one is there to start the next song.

The term "dead air" can also apply, in my opinion, to blogging. It's when there is a long break in between blog posts - to some this means days, to others, weeks.

Dead air when it comes to blogging is okay. I've never been one who's bought into the hype that I must blog every day or I lose my audience. If you have something to write about, find the time to do it. If you don't have an idea, let it sit. It makes no sense to spend time trying to come up with a post when you're not inspired - it will come across as false, and even worse, you waste time and alienate your audience.

I ran across this blog post about when to blog, and it's mostly right on the mark. I don't wholly agree with points 3 and 4. For me, it's okay if your blog post is only a few sentences - sometimes, that's all it takes. And just because it's so short, that doesn't mean it should be relegated to Facebook or Twitter. Additionally, I disagree with needing a solid argument - perhaps my goal is to put my thoughts out there anyway in hopes of getting some feedback.

Remember the saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Same goes for interesting - if you've got nothing of consequence to blog about, take your fingers off the keyboard until you do. Let's not waste each others time.

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